Appraising the Heart
Recently a thought provoking email drifted into my box at Soul Food.
I am planning to get my house reappraised and I started to make of list of things I need to do. Clean up the yard, make it neat. Clean up the house, make it neat and sparkly
And I started to think on a more personal level. What if we had to get our soul and heart appraised? Kind of like spiritual checking in. What would show? Does my heart look like a closet overflowing, disorganized and full to burst? Are my emotional scars showing?
I went to an amazing Egyptian show in Sydney called the The Tomb of the Mummy. I was most moved by the last thing a soul goes through upon entering The Field of Rushes (the afterlife). They call it the weighing of the HEART. Is that just too romantic of me?
If someone came to appraise your heart…what would they see? What if you had a little warning to clean things up. Is there really anything you can do to prepare for that? Maybe not. Get your spirit in order. Focus on the things that count. And what counts for you?
Just some of my thoughts.
This was not the first time that the notion of weighing the heart had risen at Soul Food. Maybe it was the final challenge to appraise my heart that drew words from a poets heart that has long been encased in rock. Something in Luna's challenge broke the spell and I felt compelled to write.
Appraising the Heart
An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
Within the field of rushes
Lies the heart of one
Mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend,
Whose time in this realm is done?
Within the field of rushes
Lies the heart of one
Teacher, counsellor, advocate, imagineer, friend
Who took but gave an eye, a tooth, a shoulder
Earth to Earth
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
Within the field of rushes
Lies a heart of one
Who gave more than she took
Who returns to the source
As light as a feather
Heather Blakey March 29 2005
I really enjoyed that!
Thanks for that. This one snuck on to the page.
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