By the light of Duenda
Yesterday, before I read Heather's posting
(there are no coincidences),
m'lady Emrys reminded me of a child's game
in which she traveled by jumping
from shadow to shadow on a wooded trail --
perhaps by moonlight --
never touching the fearsome light,
praising the solid darkness
and leaving the easier path
to others less nimble,
and finding that her meager vision
was no hindrence at all --
for is the space were too great,
she could always fly.
to equate darkness of spirit and soul
as contrast with 'goodness' is a perception --
consider another ...
Your only purpose, my friend, in end and all, is to cast shadows. Without you the Light would be everywhere and shine so brightly that nothing could be seen. In your shadow another person might be able to see a little bit of truth and right and wonder. Stand tall or shrivel small -- you will always project a bit of non-light upon existence. You don't have to see these shadows. In fact, it is impossible to see them and face the Light. You must have 'faith' that these shadows are there -- to know that they are and will affect others. Simple! Of course, anyone standing near in physical presence or perceived importance will cast a shadow that must intersect your own, and either dissipate or enhance your affect on others. In response you reflect back upon these other shadow casters both a projection of your own presence and a reflection of their own unique pattern of light and diffusion. Not simple at all!
Now that you understand the concept -- the perspective of shadowing and reflecting you can also understand innocence and humility. Imagine achieving a state of being, right here and now, such that you have no identity or personal need for existence -- that every ripple on eternal energy is a result of your presence as it affects others -- nothing more! The reflection you gift others is not of a gilded surface, but a return ray of soul that has rattled around the inner chambers of your being, filtered and encouraged by memories, values and adeptness -- to issue forth in lazerly precision as a wave of selfless awe and love. The shadow you cast both protects others from the harsh glare of lanterns forged of pride and greed, and allows your own lantern glow to have more profound effect on all who would embrace your presence.
That is a concept of power not achievable in this Attention but may serve as a model of aspiration -- and understanding that occasionally this interaction of self and soul and kindred spirits does entrance thus and so; and the only question is -- are you prepared? Look to your lantern! Is your fuel low -- does your wick need trimming -- are the lenses smudged or shutters rusted inflexibly into yesterday's perceptions? I have no need to define these things -- for each of you, in your own ancient wisdom, know exactly what I mean.
Just know and shift slightly to understanding, that regardless of the shape and form and order of your lantern -- you will and must have an effect on others -- each by each; friend or stranger; close held or distant by space or time. Aye, me friend -- I speak of faith! The shadows you cast exceed your directed brilliance. They reach out, beyond and through all limits of man's confoundment and intent. The fact of your holding high your lantern is felt and known in the city of Ur and the hallways of Styrna on a planet not yet born. This is what spirit means -- this is the importance of your soul's play with Tegsh and all! This is why you chose to pay attention and why your thought is less important than that you have thoughts -- your intent less important than that you dream -- your need for recognition is less important that the fact that you can love and recognize others.
In fact, everything you are capable of perceiving about yourself and your importance is nothing -- nothing at all when compared with the essences of your simply being …
as it was in the beginning …
and shall everbe.
This is simply breathtaking Faucon. You are so right! There is no such thing as coincidence. The shadow area that you speak of is very like the Alluvial Mine I talk of. I will read this again and consider further. Thank you.
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