Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Beyond Shadows


So you understand halos, right --
and other nimbus manifestations,
and have perhaps seen an aura or two?
Well let me tell you that you are wrong!
There is no strange light that emanates
from a celestial being or wantabe's.

What you are perceiving is a hole of sorts
through which divine presence dribbles and leaks
with the coming or transportation of this guest.
This entity, made corporeal by your needs and imagination,
stands between you and the Source -- providing spiritual shade,
with you in the umbra of their passing,
for you are experiencing a
"soul eclipse" --
and in that shadow you may see
eternity and truth.

Why then should it be less with thee and me --
that the profound impact we have on one another
is not in the illumination of wisdom and solutions,
but in the shadows cast that protect us
from a myriad other lanterns
whose combined powerful glare
would be too much to bear.

I may be most powerful
as a shadow of the soul --
and that is nothing,
nothingness at all;
and perhaps light exists
that we might provide loving shade.



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