Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Piper's Meal

The custom of sharing bread, water and salt
is ancient, and certainly predates
modern religious uses -- especially when
offered to a stranger ..


We make things to complicated by far, methinks;
what with Mass being a large affair in ceremony --
silken garb, golden cup, starched linen and all.
Does all of this add anything to the miracle;
transformed image, substance and memory of Him?

As I browse scripture and mystic verse and song,
I fail to find any need for church or even priest.
What happened to the claim of divine presence
when two or more are gathered in Love's name?

Most surely, if you and I should meet to embrace
the Passion and find rebirth of spirit and faith,
then we are certainly bound three in Eucharist,
or sharing most natural under diff'rent name.

This may be too grand a leap for some -- even me;
but when next I offer a simple crust of bread
to a homeless stranger, lost child or bosom friend
and receive a sip of clear water in return,
I will know that the Light is there with us and all.

Ah then, perhaps I should 'commune' with someone soon.

How about today?


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