Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Skirts of Fog - Veils of Mist

Skirts of fog,
veils of mist
tinted by the sunrise.
There upon a mountain blest,
as a painting from the past.

Skirts of fog,
veils of mist.
A summit floating
in the still and freshened air.
is this thy gift to me?

Skirts of fog,
veils of mist.
Rocky portals
like a dream
in mystery surrounded,
yet inviting.

Skirts of fog,
veils of mist.
What secret superstition
lies behind
your masquerade
of finely woven silk?

Skirts of fog,
veils of mist
beyond which I must wander
to find entry to your secrets,
to find my strength,
my fortress.

©July 13, 2005


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Vi, I LOVE this one! Of course, you know I love mountains - there is that in the voice of this poem that just sings ‘home’ to me. Maybe it is just that it's your voice! The ending of the poem is wonderful as well, it comes to it’s meaning with such strength. And a Mystery! Pursue the Mystery Vi!

I have always loved Psalm 121. I have several copies in my house, all which end just at the right place for me! I know it changes the meaning, but in the end, our meaning is our own and this much has much meaning for me: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” Your poem has much meaning for me as well.


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