Friday, April 15, 2005


Line my heart with river rock
Where water falls like bronzed glass
Warm brown rainbows of reflected sun
Dapple and shiver through the trees
Timeless sound of hush and wash
Pitched to the fluting of a meadow lark

Seal up my heart with river rock
Cascades spilling secrets
Clear with a silver shiver of fish
Eternity in a ripple
Alive, replete, abounding
Flowing into forever

©Edwina Peterson Cross


At 2:06 AM, Blogger Fran said...

The image of the river and the painting of the river flow into my heart. Fran

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Vi Jones said...

This reminds me of the river that ran behind my grandparent's home in Wales. It was wild and boulder strewn but was reachable through a rustic gate at the bottom of the garden. It was comforting to listen to at night ... like a friend that was always there.


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