Saturday, June 04, 2005

Behind the Green

Water Down

When the clouds mold like towered meringue
and squeeze raindrops into laughing spheres
to plunge down, ever down in yearning
to the earth-womb of the waiting Mother --

Then you will know
that fine sought paths
of spiritual growth
are found in tears
of the Father.

It is only myth that paths to the Light
are upward bound in eyes and turmoiled mind;
or are but confused, convoluted trails
in the forest of mist and thorny hopes.

For you should know
that each moist drop
tries to run free
to Goddess sea
in rebirth's claim.

But by man's arrogant will and pride
the steam is diverted to dry lakes,
and many religious dams are constructed
to capture the dream-gift in stagnant pools
where children drown in muddied, selfish shame.

For you must know
no love can bloom
nor thirst abate
when man defiles
the purest faith.

Choose then to filter the water of life
and guide it through carefully placed stones,
each a memory of polished thought and deed;
and sing with the tumbling falls and swirls
that wash away the dust of strife and pain.

For you will know
the only path
follows the tears
and love currents
returning home.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger maya said...

As a walker on a spiritual path..this poem speaks to me. I'm currently reading Deepak Chopras "How to know God". He contends that there are different stages of perceiving (awareness)God. A stagnant, punishing, vindictive God is the God of stage 1. To move beyond...what a release. The stanzas represent (to me)how we separate aspects of the divine. Ultimately, all tributaries flow into one river. Thank you for expressing so beautifully thoughts that could be my own.


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