Everyday heroes
I looked around the other day and realised that I was surrounded by some of the bravest, most incredible people - every day people, who don't look like heroes, and have never saved the world or made the news, but who have battled their own little wars and displayed strength which belied their frame - a friend who lost her brother, a cousin who had a stroke, my mum, a friend who was scared of the dentist, but went anyway, another who was scared of public speaking, but made the speech - all these people give me strength from remaining strong themselves through hardships, yet trusting me enough to allow me to see them at their most vulnerable. Fear is fear is fear, whether it's of a thing, a person, an illusion or the unknown, no matter how big or small, conquering it is, to me, an act of heroism.
The strength of a person
can only be measured by the trials they endure.
Courage is not defined by heroic acts or great deeds,
Nor is it a virtue possessed only by those who defeat great odds.
It is evident in our every day lives
And though it often goes unrecognised
It never goes unrewarded.
For many, it is the smallest and simplest acts that require the most courage.
It isn’t brave unless you’re scared.
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