Friday, July 01, 2005

Proper Introduction

Many names have I gone by,
But my robes are grey like a the sky,
Before a storm assualts the ancient oak,
Presently they call me Greycloak.

A whimsical Fool,
A magical tool,
Spinning threads of fate,
That fall into line on their proper date.

Writer of tales,
Drinker of ales,
Prophet of dreams,
Possibilities seen in endless streams.

Humor and jest,
Riddle and rhyme,
Are what I do best,
Everywhere and anytime.


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Believer said...

Hello Greycloak,

Quite an intriguing introduction, welcome. Welcome! If you also have tales to tell you might want to join Fantasy Cove. I haven't written there in quite a while but it's my favorite genre and your poem made me remember that I miss it!

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

And WELCOME again, oh writer or tales and drinker of ales!

Greycloak writes such sparkling verse
Without half even trying
We’re glad to have him in our halls
And NOT just ‘cause he’s buying!

(But since you’re here, I'll take a Mug of Mango Melomel Mead! Alliteration. It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.)


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