Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I wrote this in response to a news report this evening, about a whale and her newborn calf. The calf became entangled in a shark net and died before rescuers could free it.

Grieving mother
watching over
her newborn
gone from
this world
tangled in a
shark net


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Darling Megan - this is as sharp as splintered glass and as beautiful - the sun blazes through casting rainbows, but it doesn't stop the bleeding, does it?

Understanding . . .

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

This is a pain shared by the world community. It is a community problem. I once read that there are many who care, but they are so busy with work and children they don't know what to do.(?) How does one negotiate the red tape? Apparently there are many who aren't heard, but they do care very much. If only someone knew how to rally everyone together....on a better note, I read yesterday that some seal shooters had been fined and charged - the place where this was done is admamant about protecting wildlife, and has managed to stamp out major problems and preserve what needs to be preserved...I hear you.


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