Monday, April 18, 2005


In the glossolalia of every day,
a sacred mystery
is spoken into our body
and we speak its dialect
into the bodies of lovers,
into the waving limbs
of the ecstatic tulip tree,
into the childish laughter
of our accidental humor,
into the palms of mothers
and fathers and children.
We do not understand
our own native tongue,
but recognize the cadence of truth
punctuated by justice,
compassion and illumination.
The announcement of the future
flows from us like a river that leaps
from the ground as a spring,
fully born, muscular
and with all the determination
and portent of gravity.
In blue roils, it says
it is free of the past.


At 5:39 PM, Blogger Fran said...

In the voice of the poet
the painting
the songs of children
the future is with us

Will we recognize the truth
or lose it? Fran

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I've been thinking about this poem all day. I've always loved the term "Glossolalia" and am intrigued by the description. Fran asks: will we recognize the truth or lose it? I read this poem and wonder: is it a mystery or something so well known that we can't recognize it? Is this glossolalia poetry or prose? I love the description of the river "that leaps from the ground as a spring, fully born, muscular and with determination and portent of it's gravity." The announcement of the future . . .


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