Thursday, June 09, 2005

I Remember...

I remember the pond
with brambles and bushes and trees all around.
I remember the Top Woods,
the Bottom Woods, too,
just copses,
but to the child that I was,
they were forests mysterious
where wild animals roamed
and monsters lurked.

I remember the meadow
where horses grazed
and cows chewed their cud.
I remember the wall where my initials were carved
in stones so ancient they breathed,
I remember the path
moss covered and soft,
a great place to run,
a highway of dreams.
I remember the child
that resides in me still.
I must find her again
to soothe and to comfort.
She really was good
despite what was said,
the scolding,
the smacks,
the belt that left welts in the flesh.
But more I remember the words
with barbs sharp as spears,
You're lazy, a dreamer.
You'll never be more than a lackey.
What did I do to give birth to one such as you?
I forgive you my child
for wrongs accused but not true.

I prefer to remember the pond
with brambles and trees all around.
I prefer to remember the woods
where wild animals roamed
and monsters lurked.
I prefer to remember the meadow,
the wall of natural stone,
the path, moss covered and soft.
I prefer to remember the child
who resides in me still,
the child that I love,
the child that was precious and good.
The child who refused to shed tears,
who, instead, bit her lip until bloody--
The child who grew up to be me.

©June 9, 2005


At 4:24 PM, Blogger maya said...

I admire you! Your happy memories of nature superseded a definitive lack of nurture. My own childhood memories are so painful that I cannot go there. Not now, maybe never.

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful woman of feather and stone, I am so sorry to hear these words of sadness. I hope you can find a way to walk through these passage ways someday, if only to open long shut doors and let the sweet wind of who you have become blow the dust of hurt and harm away from your spirit; a spirit that sings and soars and needs no fetters.

Sometime, please read the introduction to my ‘Mining the Jungian Archetypes’ I used the metaphor of ‘Mining’, but it was really just going where I had not been able to go before.

With Love ~

At 6:39 AM, Blogger maya said...

Winnie wrote in (Dances with Archetypes)
"An artist cannot create with selected pieces of their being."
Friend, I need a couple of hours or more, to delve thoroughly into your DWA musings, but straightaway, the above words jumped out.
Over time,with the help of a remarkable woman therapist, I have dealt with my painful childhood recollections on the psychological, everyday level of my life. But,not in poetry. Poetry to date, has been a sweet sanctuary in and of itself. That is why I have been reluctant to "expose to the air" the scars that while faded, never fully heal.
It's stunning to realize "When the student is ready..the teacher appears." I am the student and you are my teacher and friend. I know you'll hold my hand when I "go there."


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