A stranger not seen
Christina's post touching on natural brotherhood
takes me back to thoughts of actions
toward people we do not even see,
yet, in faith, our cherityy must abide.
this was written for a Slavic Medieval Recreationist Publication,
and is in an very old 'stilted' form.
Boar Spear
The Carpathian ridge sweeps gently to the east,
except for ragged escarpments of ancient stone
that protrude like teeth of a gasping battle steed.
Twenty yards -- no more, they reach unto the sky
to form a barrier to unwary hunting climber,
and tax the skill and strength of the warrior.
The River Sorok, here little more than a stream
crashes through a narrow defile in cascading mist.
To pass here requires a leap of faith and courage.
There is no handhold 'round a giant sculpted rock
save enough for scarce left finger stretching balance
while a hurtling man can swing around and up
to clutch an unseen, mysterious support.
For there is imbedded in monstrous cedar root
the cold head of a rusted rogatina spear.
Sixty years growth or more have seized the iron
in a grasp secure for the mightiest of men.
Its two foot length and protruding nether spars
allow the traveler to swing up and then beyond
the peril of dashing plunge to the eager rocks
that draw so on the fear and doubt before the jump.
To miss the waiting, assisting hold is sure death,
but to draw back from the blind, challenging test
is to admit defeat where others have passed before.
Safely passed we three look back at wrenching fate
and the terrible opportunity just well met.
I give prayer for the one who placed it there,
that wild boar intended stretch of welcome steel.
How was it placed -- what price was surely paid
to leave a gift for other to follow in faith?
When I did swing about that towering edifice,
with eyes closed and labored breath held tight,
I imaged an ancient warrior hand waiting there;
the mailed fist of a comrade battle friend.
And I know that there is price extracted here.
I must now reach out to a hidden stranger's plight.
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